Practice tests help students to achieve great results in NAPLAN

Most parents of school aged children will be well versed in the ins and outs of the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). Administered in every state and territory across the country, the tests are sat by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, and are used to measure their skills in key areas. They also play the role of enabling schools and locations to compare and contrast results so that any gaps in curriculum delivery can be rectified.

The online test is designed to evaluate students’ reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Many of the questions are multiple choice, while some require students to work out equations or to write short samples of text.

Preparing your child for the NAPLAN test can seem daunting, which is why using practice tests is a great way to help them succeed. These give students an opportunity to become familiar with the format and types of questions they will encounter in the actual exam, so that they feel confident and calm on test day.

Why use practice tests for NAPLAN prep?

To prepare for NAPLAN, students should become familiar with the wording of questions and the testing format. This is often an element of NAPLAN that trips students up on the day – even if they are confident in their skills beforehand.

Parents may wish to set up exam conditions at home in a quiet space to give the full NAPLAN experience for their children when using these tests. This will help them to become accustomed with the atmosphere on testing day.


How is the NAPLAN test delivered?

The NAPLAN test can be delivered online or in a paper-based format. It is designed to evaluate students’ reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. 

The online test is adaptive – meaning that as students progress they’ll be given questions better suited to their individual abilities. A child who may be struggling during the assessment will be given questions that better reflect their achievement. This builds their confidence by allowing them to show what they know – not just what they don’t know. Similarly, high achieving students will be given more challenging questions so they can show the extent of their literacy and numeracy skills. 

Where can I find practice tests for NAPLAN?

Providing plenty of time to rehearse using past papers and practice tests is a great way to be sure semantics don’t get the better of your children. Parents can access past papers on the ACARA website, but these are only listed up to 2016. Practice tests, such as those provided by Education Perfect, are created to echo these past papers with more up to date questions and contexts.

To enable students to become familiar with both online and paper NAPLAN tests and the types of questions that are used, ACARA provides a range of sample test materials. These can be found on the ACARA website. Since 2016, ACARA has not published the actual test papers but a number of organisations produce practice tests that mimic the format of NAPLAN.

To access online practice tests and experience the actual test environment, students can visit the Public Demonstration Site.

The public demonstration tests show samples of the types of questions students will answer. Students can practise using the functionalities that are available in NAPLAN tests. 

The NAP site has sample prompts for the writing section, which requires students to write either a persuasive or narrative response. Also of interest, may be the marking guide and annotated responses if parents are interested in the level of writing skill expected for each test year level.

Using Education Perfect for NAPLAN practice tests

Education Perfect is a helpful resource for NAPLAN practice. It provides a wide variety of test questions and formats for students to practise with. These are not past papers, but are created instead to be very similar to the actual tests, allowing students to familiarise themselves with the way the tests are set out and the content within them.

To access the practice tests, you’ll first need to create an account on the Education Perfect website. Once you’ve signed up, you can search for NAPLAN practice tests within the website. There are practice tests available for both literacy and numeracy, as well as for different year levels.

Encourage your child to practise regularly with the tests to build their confidence and improve their skills. Monitor their progress and identify areas where they may need more support.

Preparation for NAPLAN beyond practice tests

As an online learning platform with a wide range of teacher-designed resources to help students improve their literacy and numeracy skills, Education Perfect is a good source of NAPLAN prep material beyond practice tests. Here are a few of the main benefits of using the platform:

  • Individualised: Education Perfect adapts to each student’s level of ability, providing them with targeted learning resources and feedback.
  • It’s fun: With gamified elements, students will want to keep trying to beat their scores.
  • Accessible: Students can log on to Education Perfect from any device with an internet connection, and teachers can monitor their progress and provide feedback.

While NAPLAN can be a daunting prospect for parents and students alike, with the right preparation and resources, it can be a valuable learning experience that allows a clear snapshot of a child’s progress. By using online tools like Education Perfect, you can help your child improve their literacy and numeracy skills while also supporting their confidence and motivation.