New in 2024: A) Updated Stage 6 Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Standard courses.

EP is aligned with the New South Wales Stage 6 HSC Syllabus

Education Perfect (EP) is your complete teaching, learning and assessment toolkit to support the HSC syllabus.

Explore our HSC syllabus-aligned resources

Education Perfect (EP) facilitates learning across the Stage 6 HSC Syllabus for English, Science, Mathematics and a range of Languages. 

As the syllabus reform continues, EP will be providing updated resources to support these changes.

EP has a range of syllabus-aligned resources, including:

EP is curriculum aligned across the following subjects

EP is also curriculum aligned for NSW Stage 3-5 Curriculum

EP is aligned to the NSW Stage 6 syllabus and for the following senior curriculums across Australia

Explore QCAA Curriculum alignment

Explore WACE Curriculum alignment

Explore SACE Curriculum alignment

Explore Victorian VCE Curriculum alignment

Interested in learning more?

Click below to book a meeting with an EP Education Specialist today!


Teaching with AI

Join us on November 13 as we discuss navigating the benefits, risks, and classroom implementation of AI

Date: 13 November, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM