Education Perfect
for the Cambridge Curriculum

Education Perfect (EP) is your complete learning, assessment and analytics toolkit to support the Cambridge curriculum.
Join the schools that use EP

Providing curriculum-aligned resources

EP offers an extensive library of interactive lessons that captivate and support curriculum requirements. These lessons seamlessly integrate with our robust suite of tools, providing powerful tracking and analytics, effortless differentiation for diverse student abilities, and efficient support for large classes. 

EP allows educators to reinvest their time and deliver richer learning experiences.

The subjects available for the Cambridge curriculum include:

(Lower Secondary)



  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Languages: French, Spanish, Chinese, German, Arabic, Japanese, Italian, Indonesian
  • Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Co-ordinated Science
  • English: First Language and Literature
  • Mathematics: Core, extended and additional
  • Languages: French, Spanish, Chinese, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese, Indonesian
  • Mathematics

* Education Perfect also offers comprehensive skills based resources to support EAL learners from A1-B2 LEVEL. These resources are designed to support all learners of English as an additional language. 

Don’t see the content you are looking for? Our pre-built content is fully customisable, and you can also build your own content from scratch using our content creation tools within the platform. Explore our content.

“Education Perfect motivates my students’ learning while having fun at the same time. The ready-made content saves me a lot of time preparing assignments. I can create my own smart lessons which align to my subject syllabus. EP is really a great teaching and learning platform!”
Ms Loh
Westlake International School

Interested in learning more?

Click below to book a meeting with an EP Education Specialist today!


Teaching with AI

Join us on November 13 as we discuss navigating the benefits, risks, and classroom implementation of AI

Date: 13 November, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM