The Power of ONE tool across the core subjects for learning, assessment and analytics

A better experience for all..

Unified EdTech for Empowered Learning

Navigating EdTech is a daunting task for school leaders and educators.

Despite this, 53% of the teachers surveyed in a recent Smoothwall study said that technology makes their classrooms more vibrant and fun, while 82% of teachers agreed that using technology can enhance learning. However, with different tools for different subjects, assessment and analytics, quickly EdTech becomes fragmented, inefficient and student growth isn’t enhanced.

The future is consolidation. ONE tool for learning, assessment and analytics. The impact? Teachers are empowered to support the adaptive learning cycle, students are more engaged, school leaders have efficient budget allocation and school leader insight is greater than ever before.

ONE tool enables adaptive learning

When curriculum aligned content is coupled with assessment and analytics, teachers have a powerful tool to support the adaptive learning cycle. More teacher efficiency and greater time to focus on student growth.

ONE tool drives student engagement

Students have greater engagement when there is ONE tool for all learning and assessment. Engagement fosters independent learning which means pedagogy methods, such as flipped learning, are enhanced.

ONE tool for greater efficiency & insight

By consolidating EdTech resources, school leaders are able to drive greater operational efficiency – less need for teacher training, lower maintenance overheads and more efficient budget allocation.

By combining all data sources, school leaders have a previously unseen view of the whole student, across all subjects, assessment and wellbeing.

“All the teachers are using it. Rather than different classes doing different things, everyone is covering the same content and we can access comparative insights into our progress, enabling us to identify and understand where we need to provide support, be it at class level or by differentiating for individual students.”
Rebecca Phillips
Takapuna Normal Intermediate School

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