Year 8 History

Do you need help teaching Year 8 History?

• Access our extensive curriculum-aligned library of Year 8 History resources.
• Build custom lessons catered to Year 8 History students of all abilities.
• Support student understanding of core learning outcomes for Year 8 History.
• Assist students with their understanding and acquisition of key History skills and concepts
• Track and report student progress over time.

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No.1 Education Platform for History

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EP History is an online teaching and learning resource that enables teachers and students to meet the requirements of the Year 8 History curriculum. The EP smart lesson platform provides a wide range of highly engaging and rigorous resources that cover the range of topics encompassed in Year 8 History including Overview of the Ancient to Modern World, Polynesian Expansion, Renaissance Italy, The Black Death, Shogunate Japan, The Spanish Conquest of the Americas, Vikings, The Ottoman Empire, The Mongol Expansion, The Khmer Empire and Medieval Europe.

EP Year 8 History provides a comprehensive curriculum aligned library of interactive resources that facilitate the effective learning of all key subject skills. EP smart lessons also provide customisable resources that can be utilised by teachers to fit a particular pedagogy. The EP Year 8 smart lesson platform provides limitless opportunities for students to develop their skills, with gamified quizzes, summative assessment capability and continuous tracking, all whilst providing insights into each student’s personalised learning journey.

EP Year 8 History is a highly flexible platform that can be used to support teaching the curriculum in many ways. The resources within EP Year 8 History provide a deep coverage of the curriculum and can be used to replace a textbook, alongside one, to facilitate a flipped classroom or establish a blended learning environment.

The EP Year 8 History programme provides teachers with unparalleled data pertaining to all levels of learning and development, allowing teachers to track progress, provide meaningful feedback and differentiate the learning pathways for each student.

EP History offers many different formative and summative assessment opportunities together with the option for teachers to create their own assessments and tasks. A number of teacher resources are also available including unit outlines, curriculum alignment documentation and ideas for implementing the smart lesson platform.

Students say

“This really helped me understand about Indigenous history even further”

Chanithie A

Students say

“Education Perfect is amazing!!! It is an awesome platform that allows me to learn many things”

Joel M

Aligned to your curriculum

EP supports a wide range of curricula, while also allowing for flexible curation and creation by teachers