The results of a 10-week study into the effectiveness of AI-Managed Learning Loops*
Australian and New Zealand secondary school students
total answers analysed
answers analysed without the learning loop on
Our AI tool rates all student responses by comparing them to model answers and explanations crafted by educators. All lessons and questions are aligned to your selected curriculum.
The Learning Loop is an iterative, real-time process that allows students to receive feedback, apply it to improve their work, and then receive further feedback on their improvements. This cyclical approach contrasts the traditional model of feedback cycles, where students receive a delayed evaluation of their efforts, without the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and try again while in the flow of learning.
Percentage of students that progressed from a 1-star initial attempt to a second attempt
Percentage of students that then progressed from a 1-star second attempt to a third attempt
Percentage of students that progressed from a 2-star initial attempt to a second attempt
Percentage of students that then progressed from a 2-star second attempt to a third attempt
3-star, 4-star and 5-star final attempts increased from 48% before the Learning Loop to 87% with the Learning Loop
1-star and 2-star final attempts dropped from 52% before the Learning Loop to just 13% after the Learning Loop
* Statistics are based on an internal data analysis of AI-graded student answers performed by Education Perfect and do not reflect a formal study of learning improvement efficacy. EP AI star ratings use a generic marking criteria. AI grading and feedback can sometimes be incorrect. Model answers / exemplar responses may have been shown to students between the first and final attempt.
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Join us on November 13 as we discuss navigating the benefits, risks, and classroom implementation of AI
Date: 13 November, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM